All Stories

The Knight's Choice: A Tale of Orcs and Freedom

Tristan had always been taught that the kingdom of Queldor was just and righteous. He had been trained as a knight from a young age, and his entire life had...

Autognar's Used Car Emporium: A Dragon's Failed Business Venture

Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Autognar who had fallen on hard times. His hoard of gold had dwindled to a mere pittance, and he found himself...

The Man Who Tried His Best, But It Wasn't Enough

John had always been a hardworking man. He had grown up in a small town where his parents had instilled in him the value of hard work and dedication. He...

Deep Conversations in the Meadow: A Horse and Zebra's Search for the Meaning of Life

Once upon a time, in a vast green meadow, there stood a horse named Henry and a zebra named Ziggy. They were the best of friends and often spent their...

The Battle of the Bookshelf: A Comedy of IKEA Proportions

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun was shining, and birds were chirping. But for Sarah and Tom, it was the beginning of a nightmare. They had both been...

Lost on the Road: A Nightmare Journey

In the remote and forgotten corners of the country, where the whispers of the old gods still linger, four friends embarked on a road trip they believed would be the...